Some Science Adventures with Real Magic
As Arthur C. Clarke said years ago, "any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable rrom magic." This presentation provides a body of experimental data that will seem like magic, based upon the present (QM) and past (CM) paradigms of world science, but it is completely lawful based upon an expanded paradigm. We have entered a new era wherein the new science being created conforms to the reaction equation Mass ~Energy ~ Consciousness Einstein's grear research studies circumscribed the quantitarive relationship connecting the first two terms, mass and energy. In this century, our job is ro provide the quantitative relationship connecting the last two terms, energy and consciousness plus a reliable theory for the convertibiliry of any term to any other term. Thus. it is time for humans to both understand and seriously connect their individual inner worlds to the collective ourer world and vice versa. For the present quantum mechanical (QMl paradigm and the previous classical mechanics (CM) paradigm of science, the unstated assumption has been that "no human qualiry of consciousness, intention, emotion, mind or spirit can significantly influence a well-defined target experiment in physical tealiry." Our experimental data on inorganic, organic and living materials shows that this long held, unstated assumption of science is very, very wrong. We have discovered a "consciousness" procedure for imprinting a specific intention into a simple. low tech, electronic device. This imprinted device then acts as an intelligent sutrogate to raise the inner symmetry state of a room or laboratory to a thermodynamic free energy state substantially above that of our normal world. This intention imprinted electrical device (lIED) tunes this space in such a way that a corresponding target expetiment set up in that space responds ro this lIED in such a way that the experimentally-measured material properties change. both in the direction of the intention and to the degree specified by the intention. We have also discovered an experimental procedure for measuring and tracking the degree of thermodynamic free energy change, above the normal UO) outer, world level created in this lIED-conditioned space (U.S. Patent Pending). In a separate series of experiments, we have tested and proven replicabiliry of one of our four initial target experiments. by others in their laboratories located in Missouri, Kansas, Baltimore, Bethesda, the UK and Italy. In addition, in these experiments, we observed rhat informarion entanglement (connectedness) occurs between macroscopic, room temperature spaces, over distances of ~ 5,000 to ~6,OOO miles, via an energy propagation mechanism different than any of the four known and accepted fundamental forces. Finally our experiments have also shown that all humans have their acupuncture meridian/chakra system at an inner symmetry state level that is well above the U(1) level. This means that personal human intention acts directly on this system of the body which, in turn, drives chemical, electrical and optical. etc., processes of the U(ll EM gauge symmetry aspects of the human body to manifest many if not most behaviors that we call life!
KEYWORDS: Intention, lIED. conditioned space, chi-prana pump
Keynote Address
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