
  • Garvin McCurdy M.S.


The main point of this paper is to frame a process that will create a physiology to support the emerging view of human capabilities with phenomena and biostructures that have been and continue to be discovered by both MEST and MESTIC sciences. Underlying this is a reasoned belief that our physiology is ‘soaked through’ by the quantum plenum, even into the tiniest of its component particles, and that particles and plenum are in continuous intercommunication. Information is passed by means we can barely perceive that shapes our particulate selves into sentient transducers that are affected by and affect our environment, including our human and spiritual environments. In other words, the paper attempts to sketch a process that will create and do what humans can do, because that is the ‘ground truth’ against which we must judge our explanatory and exploratory efforts.

The paper develops, through operational analysis, a Tillerian hypothesis for the basic mechanism of bioconstruction by focusing on the action elements of cybernetically guided human bioconstruction, the process that transforms the fertilized egg into a living baby. It is characterized by in-formation, literally ‘formation within’, involving biochemical, biophysical, and bioinformative activity, and extremely rapid biotemporal access to the immediate future and immediate past. Beyond these fairly easily recognized processes lies biovolitional activity that created the multiverse that we experience. For purposes of this paper it is considered to be the ‘ultimate potential’. Its human manifestation is the ‘Nous’ – the ability to discern order in chaos, and its traditional name is Spirit.

At extremely small scale the interrelated phases of bioconstruction and biomaintenance work to provide and maintain our individual human interface with the quantum plenum, enabling Spirit to cybernetically in-form life and consciousness. The paper 1) develops Tiller’s concept of physics as coupled segments of differing informational connectivity contingently joined by focused consciousness, 2) creates a Tillerian model for cybernetic bioconstruction, 3) develops a Burr-Coulomb and Hall-Lorentz model for the basic bioconstructive mechanism based on recent observations of micro-biostructures that should enable ‘unconventional’ informative biocommunications, and that support the conceptual convergence of the living matrix and the acupuncture systems, and 4) adopts the temporal displacement and spin generation phenomena of torsion science as seems required for biomolecule morphogenesis and tissue knitting. It concludes with a novel interpretation of the origin and action of biophotons and observations on the Tillerian informational coupling of three distinct types of CRORACELLs.



