This is a story of a personal journey and the blessings and miracles that took place along the way. Look back over your own life and recall those often-forgotten events and heartful gifts that have lead you to become who you are. The story is also about our limits as human beings: the limits to awareness, and the limits to what we can accomplish. What has emerged is a scientific basis for expanding our concepts of what we can know and what we can accomplish. One fascinating concept is that the living matrix, the fabric of our bodies, is composed of a material that enables us to sense and analyze and respond to the world around us in extraordinary ways. An idea emerged that seemed so extraordinary at first that there was little hope that it could be validated. But Albert Einstein supported the idea of looking at ridiculous ideas because of his repeated experience that concepts that do not at first seem absurd do not really stand a chance. Patience acquired from a loving father sustained an interest in the remarkable concept that our sensory receptors actually split incoming information into two pathways. One is the well-known neurological system. The other is the “integrated microcircuit” composed of the semiconductor molecules forming the fabric of the body, the living matrix. Studies of a phenomenon known as blindsight seem to confirm that we are capable of taking in information and processing it even when the neurological pathways are not operating. It is suggested that we consider the living matrix system as the physical seat of the unconscious, and the source of intuition and insight.
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