Based on the presenc paradigm, the conventional viev{point is that humans cannot meaningfully interact, via their inccncion, with target experiments. Even more strongly one would state that human intention cannO[ possibly be captured in a simple electronic device and then have rhe device meaningfully interact with target experiments. Over the course of the past two years. the authors have conducted three very differcnc target experiments using Intention Imprinted Electronic Devices, (lIEDs) and found robust interaction between these simple devices and the target experiments in complete opposition to the view of the prevailing paradigm. On the experimental side, for each target experiment one starts with two identical physical devices, isolates one from the other, and "charges" one with tbe specific intention for the particular experiment. This charging process involved the services of four highly qualified meditators to imprint the device with the specific intcncion. The devices with the same imprint were then wrapped in AI-foil and stored in an electrically grounded Faraday cage until the next step in the process. Next, when needed, the AI-foil wrapped devices were separately shipped via Federal Express, to their laboratory destination about 2,000 miles away. On arriving there, they were immediately placed in separate, grounded Faraday cages until use in the actual target experiments conducted by others. For the three target experiments, the general intentions were (I) to decrease (increase) the pH of water by one pH unit, (2) to increase the ATP/ADP ratio in fruit fly larvae so as to significantly decrease the larval development time and (3) to signiHcanrly increase the thermodynamic activity of the specific liver enzyme, alkaline phosphatase (ALP). For rarget experiment (1) changes of about 0,5 to 1.0 pH units increase or decrease, with a measurement accuracy of:t: 0.01 pH units, was achieved. For target experiment (2), reductions of about 15% in larval development time for the imprinted vs. unimprinted device were observed (p < 0.001). For target experiment (3), increases in thermodynamic activity for ALP of about 10% to 20% were achieved (p < 0.001). In pure water containing small solid particles, pH oscillations of both shorr (about 1 hour) and long (about 20 hour) periods were observed. In multiple vessel studies with the TIED located only near one vessel, the following was observed: (a) a strong correlation in pH-oscillation behavior between the lIED-vessel and other simultaneously pH-monitored vessels located 115 feet to 155 feet distant, (b) a location-specific conditioning behavior associated with repeated running of the target experiment day after day, at that specific location, and (c) the presence of temperarure oscillations in-phase with the pH-oscillations in the vessels. Fourier transforms of the various realtime plots were utilized to quantifY the correlations.
KEYWORDS: Imention, pH, temperature, Drosophila
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