
  • Dr. Jerry Jacobson Correspondence: Patricia A. Norris, Ph.D., Director • Biofeedback and Psychophysiology Center • The Menninger Clinic • P. O. Box 829 • Topeka, KS 66601.


Professor Franco Bistolfi has written a book which is perfectly timed in history. During the past decade, there has been an explosion of interest in the effects of nonionizing radiation (NIR) on biological systems. NIR's have been shown to regenerate nerves, promote soft tissue healing, induce osteochondrogenesis, enhance DNA synthesis, increase transcription and translation and stimulate neurotransmitter intensification. I think Bistolfi has rightly looked at the data and concluded that there is a new avenue of inquiry that must be followed. This vision incorporates explanatory mechanisms of biophysics as well as biochemistry. Bistolfi has produced a didactic, creative, critically important compendium of information from a majority of thinkers who have contributed in this area. He gives us a view of the human body which manifests a universe of electrical and magnetic interactions concomitant with the grosser biochemical changes. We look at subatomic vicissitudes in terms of fundamental physical phenomena as mechanical electromagnetic photon/phonon transductions lead a bioconductive connectional system (BCS) which is piezoelectric in nature. Various elements of the BCS such as cytoskeletal structures, keratin filaments of desmosomes (intercellular cohesion) and collagen fibers of the extracellular matrix serve as dissipative structures and are morphological expressions of a large and unitary cooperative system for coherent communications. In point of fact, the protein matrix of enzymes is today considered not only a mechanical mediator between active and medium site, but also a structure capable of directing anisotropically the isotropic energy of medium. This notion melds with Frolich's theory of coherent excitations and is as well in perfect accord with the hydrogen harps model of Bistolfi. In this, he gives a vision of hydrogen bonds seen as strings in a harp and correlates molecular vibrational frequencies with a song of life. This concept is brilliant as well as beautiful.

Author Biography

Dr. Jerry Jacobson, Correspondence: Patricia A. Norris, Ph.D., Director • Biofeedback and Psychophysiology Center • The Menninger Clinic • P. O. Box 829 • Topeka, KS 66601.


Professor France Bistolfi (Edizioni Minerva Medica S.p.A., Corso Bramante 83/85, Torino, Italy 101 26 ISBN 88-7711-134-8).



